InKredible Kids

Kids United For Israel: Chesed, Tefilla, and Achdus

Season 1 Episode 24

It's been a few weeks now that we have been thrown into a new reality. So many of our InKredible Kids have found ways to make a difference in Klall Yisrael.

Meet Maayan from Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel. She shared with us what it's like for a kid living in Israel right now. She shares about her father, a member of Ichud Hatzalah, who has been very involved in rescuing and helping since the war began. We discuss the Chesed, Achdus, and davening that is taking place all over the world. We also talk about how kids can stay calm and deal with their feelings.

May we all hear besuros tovos b'karov!!

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